Free! How is this possible?
Native American Advancement Corp. hereafter referred to as NAAC, is a crew based agency that provides weatherization services for low-income, single-family clients located in Cumberland, Gloucester, Salem, Atlantic and Cape May Counties. Households served may be located in structures containing between one and four dwelling units. Clients meet income eligibility and program requirements.
By providing weatherization services, NAAC aims to:
NAAC’s Weatherization Process:
NAAC’s Weatherization Work:
A National Energy Audit (NEAT) is performed on each house and a Manufactured Energy Audit (MHEA) is performed on each mobile home NAAC serves. These audits show the areas the program should address while performing services. As the second priority, the major infiltration work is completed. This includes repairing doors, panels, panes; missing windows and/or windowpanes; repairs to supply and return ducts; and major envelope holes. The general heat waste priority is then repaired, blocking is installed, attic bypasses are addressed and sealed, roof repair, which is very limited by regulations, is completed. If necessary, the walls of the dwelling are then repaired and insulated. Floors are repaired, ground cover is installed underneath the structure, pipe wrap, and insulation is completed.
Throughout the process the managers, auditor and crew will educate the client on how to best operate their home safely and to help save energy.
A quality control inspection is performed by NAAC of 100% of the units completed. The Department of Community Affairs Monitor inspects 25% of all completed jobs to ensure workmanship of the highest quality. The Weatherization Manager makes a personal call to the client to get feedback or discuss the completed client survey created by NAAC.
NAAC’s Quality Control:
Aggressive quality control procedures ensure the optimal performance of the program. All NAAC staff monitors new trends and innovations for incorporation into the program. The Weatherization Manager routinely monitors the entire program for proper administrative oversight while the General Manager inspects 100% of completed jobs to ensure quality workmanship. Ongoing training is an important part of optimizing energy savings for every dollar spent. When work is completed, office staff contacts the State Monitor for inspection and final approval.
To deliver the programs and services, NAAC WAP’s concept is a "team approach" which involves the combined and coordinated efforts of the outreach, manager’s, auditor’s, installer’s, and homeowner’s. We provide the homeowner with a result based on audit tools and technology that foresee and determine the cost advantages of their energy saving measures. This approach ideally has the members of the weatherization team working together from the inception of the project through its completion for each and every client.
Most importantly, NAAC, with this delivery system, thus far have assisted 1148 residential homes, all in which will see a significant decrease in energy costs. This included Housing Authority projects whose costs greatly affect the State as a whole. Those HUD projects were in Salem City and Millville City.
Native American Advancement Corporation (NAAC) is managed by principals who have over 30 years of combined experience with weatherization, heater replacement, general construction, social outreach programs such as, but not limited to Workforce Investment Adm.; WIA Indian Job Service, senior and youth development, low income heating and energy assistance, state agencies, and federal programs.
By providing weatherization services, NAAC aims to:
- Reduce energy consumption by installing weatherization measures and related repairs which improve the thermal efficiency of the home; and
- Enhance client health and safety by providing adequate ventilation, safely functioning combustion appliances, proper zonal pressures, and smoke/CO detectors.
NAAC’s Weatherization Process:
- Partners with serviced based agencies and outreaches through local operations with high traffic flow.
- Clients apply, which includes the Health and Safety Questions and income is verified for eligibility and is then placed on short waiting list.
- Staff and the Energy Auditor gathers and reviews fuel consumption history and Health and Safety questions.
- During the scheduled appointment the energy auditor arrives and interviews the clients at their home to get an understanding of how they use their home, lifestyle patterns, energy/comfort problems as well as all information required to complete the computerized energy audit tool, NEAT/MHEA audit.
- Health & safety checks are performed on all combustion appliances.
- The thermal envelope or shell of the home is assessed.
- A zonal blower door test is performed to determine the air leakage rate of the building. (Testing each closed space/room for air leakage)
- An infrared scan is done to determine voids in wall insulation.
- A thorough inspection is done to determine attic insulation levels and to pinpoint major air leakage problems. Data collected onsite (building sq. ft., air leakage rate, insulation levels, etc.) along with estimated lists for the energy retrofits is run through a computerized energy audit tool, NEAT/MHEA to develop a detailed work scope which will save the maximum amount of energy for any given investment. (Typical work scopes involve some health & safety work, heating and distribution system efficiency improvements, air sealing and insulation work.)
- A highly trained crew is dispatched to the home.
- Final inspections are completed.
NAAC’s Weatherization Work:
A National Energy Audit (NEAT) is performed on each house and a Manufactured Energy Audit (MHEA) is performed on each mobile home NAAC serves. These audits show the areas the program should address while performing services. As the second priority, the major infiltration work is completed. This includes repairing doors, panels, panes; missing windows and/or windowpanes; repairs to supply and return ducts; and major envelope holes. The general heat waste priority is then repaired, blocking is installed, attic bypasses are addressed and sealed, roof repair, which is very limited by regulations, is completed. If necessary, the walls of the dwelling are then repaired and insulated. Floors are repaired, ground cover is installed underneath the structure, pipe wrap, and insulation is completed.
Throughout the process the managers, auditor and crew will educate the client on how to best operate their home safely and to help save energy.
A quality control inspection is performed by NAAC of 100% of the units completed. The Department of Community Affairs Monitor inspects 25% of all completed jobs to ensure workmanship of the highest quality. The Weatherization Manager makes a personal call to the client to get feedback or discuss the completed client survey created by NAAC.
NAAC’s Quality Control:
Aggressive quality control procedures ensure the optimal performance of the program. All NAAC staff monitors new trends and innovations for incorporation into the program. The Weatherization Manager routinely monitors the entire program for proper administrative oversight while the General Manager inspects 100% of completed jobs to ensure quality workmanship. Ongoing training is an important part of optimizing energy savings for every dollar spent. When work is completed, office staff contacts the State Monitor for inspection and final approval.
To deliver the programs and services, NAAC WAP’s concept is a "team approach" which involves the combined and coordinated efforts of the outreach, manager’s, auditor’s, installer’s, and homeowner’s. We provide the homeowner with a result based on audit tools and technology that foresee and determine the cost advantages of their energy saving measures. This approach ideally has the members of the weatherization team working together from the inception of the project through its completion for each and every client.
Most importantly, NAAC, with this delivery system, thus far have assisted 1148 residential homes, all in which will see a significant decrease in energy costs. This included Housing Authority projects whose costs greatly affect the State as a whole. Those HUD projects were in Salem City and Millville City.
Native American Advancement Corporation (NAAC) is managed by principals who have over 30 years of combined experience with weatherization, heater replacement, general construction, social outreach programs such as, but not limited to Workforce Investment Adm.; WIA Indian Job Service, senior and youth development, low income heating and energy assistance, state agencies, and federal programs.